February Challenge

Yesterday we did a 'reflection' blip and then we discovered that 'reflection' was day one of the February challenge. Am I a telepathic collie or what?!

Anyway we thought about doing the rest of the February challenges but today is 'refrigerator' and that is far too much of a challenge. Unless of course you count the fact that the whole of St Ives is like a refrigerator today?!

It's freezing here. I dread to think what it must be like in the rest of the country.

It was so cold today that I couldn't even wallow in this old bath. I was just about to jump in when I realised there was a layer of ice on the top. Ann was pleased though as I've managed to stay clean and dry.

As for the February challenges - I think we might just dip in and out when we feel like it.

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