Money Shot

Have you ever taken a picture and known it was the best one that has landed in your camera in forever? Today, as this Great Blue Heron stood there letting me take her picture over and over again I knew I had the money shot (not that I publish or anything) and I just about couldn't keep my butt planted in the van seat.

My dad has asked me in the past why I keep taking pictures of herons, this is the answer.

I had a fabulous day. It started with meeting a friend for coffee this morning. The coffee shop was stuffed full but the table outside, in the sun were virtually empty. We spent an hour and a half just chattering away.

Then it was off to Vancouver for lunch with my dad and a trip around the refuge.

I added the following birds to this years list:

green winged teal
yellow rumped warbler
American Bittern
Spotted Towee
Snow Bunting
Lesser Scaup

Then it was back to dad's to cut his hair and look at the pictures.

The sunset from his back deck was fabulous, but nothing can trump this lady in all her quiet glory.

Happy blipping!

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