Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie

Snow snow snow.

Taken in the afternoon, when half the snow had melted again.
It was quite a sight to wake up to. Of course, nothing had been cleared away yet, and I was happy I'd taken my work laptop home yesterday, so I sent out an e-mail to my colleagues, and remained inside :)

In the afternoon, when most snow had melted already, they actually came to put salt on the roads, including mine :) They still have no means of clearing the roads, and the salt was strawn by men standing in the back of a pick-up truck, but hey, better than nothing! I don't remember them doing this last year or the year before, so we're moving into the modern ages here ;)

Also had a visit with the orthopedic surgeon today, after having an MRI taken of my wrist last week. Instead of the scaphoid being broken (which was the initial guess based on 2 sets of x-rays), there is a lateral tear in the head of the radius. The scaphoid does seem to be a bit displaced though, so that also needs to settle back. So what to do; another 15 days of the brace (24/7), at least, and then another MRI for check-up. The good news; the doctor saw no problems with me going to sea, so I can still join the cruise for work we have starting next week. Gonna be at sea for most of February .. I hope the weather will be kind to us! Especially with these forecasts of Siberian temperatures.


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