Chick Flick

By Flick


Sorry about this Picasa has a new (to me) zoomify facility and I can't resist.

Xmas state gathering at the Bro's ...with secret santa and lovely food.

Archie was given a face painting kit by the Greats and Emily obliged.

I have been lots in Wales ,still no internet, except in the libray. And here in Manchester was unable to upload as the computer didn't recognise my camera !!! which had me perplexed until yesterday (2nd Feb) I asked google the question ...'Why doesn't my camera upload into picasa?' ...turns out I need to update windows media player ...
months I tell you months of frustration solved ..I had asked all the 'experts' in the family and no joy ... I told Ed I had solved the problem and how and he informed that that is how he solves 80% of any computer problem he has ...

well from now on I will solve 100% of my computer problems that way

off to the news now to hear about Chris Hulme ..will they won't they did he didn't he ? citing

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