Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

The downward spiral...

It's been a long week and work's taken up far too much of my time. Today got off to a bad start when, having dragged myself out of bed early to be sure of getting to my first appointment on time, I was forced to stand for 40 minutes at the bus stop in the bitter cold whilst three buses failed to turn up, a fourth drove past without stopping because it was already full and the queue of waiting people grew steadily longer. And colder. And more disgruntled.

By the time a bus finally appeared (and stopped!) there were about 30 people waiting and it was too late to get to the meeting anyway. I could've just stayed in bed in the warm... Tsk!

However, in the end I've made it to the weekend on a high note because my final meeting of the week proved particularly positive for reasons far too boring to go into here. Hurrah!

What with one thing and another I didn't get any quality time with my camera today and had to resort to running out onto the landing and taking this picture before this afternoon's meeting began. I really do work in a beautiful building.

One of my early blips was the reverse of this view - from the ground up.

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