Seldom Seen Kid

By JM1990


Well it's Super Bowl weekend and being a massive NFL supporter, that means this weekend is a big one for me! Despite the fact my team (Tampa Bay Buccaneers) have more chance of winning American Idol than winning a Super Bowl at the moment the event itself will still be epic!! Every year I have to stay up until 4/5am to see the conclusion and usually end up struggling to keep my eyes open past 12pm the next day it's all worth it. The build up, the commercials, the half-time show, the game, it all just works so well!

Today marks the start of a Super Bowl themed couple of days Blip wise for me but it also marked my Grans 70th birthday! Happy birthday!! Was going to take a trip down memory lane and post a picture from when I was a "bairn" and she was a lot younger but nobody wants to see me! So instead you have my take on the latest craze to sweep the world....TEBOWING!

Move over planking, TEBOWING is here!! If you are unsure as to what Tebowing is, google it! Basically, it is a celebration by Denver Broncos QB Tim Tebow. He does it for religious reasons but it has swept the world as people emulate/take the p...michael out of it! From Denver to Sydney, it is as fun, pointless and pleasing as planking!! :D

Come on the Giants!!!

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