point and press

By crispinhj

by Fleet Place

All round the City there's a massive amount of demolition and rebuilding going on. Maybe it's always been like this but I get a real sense of a speeding up of the process. In another ten years the London I came to when I first came here to study will almost comletely be gone.

The relatively modest Victorian office buildings that filled most streets will be gone and replaced with frighteningly flat and tall buildings bringing Manhatten to London.

The only plusses I can see to this are that the Museum of London must be swamped with opportunities to investigate the archaeology of the area and that as a passer by you can get views of buildings that have been hidden for a hundred years.

Standing on the edge of Fleet Place, looking across the exotically named Limeburner Street I could see this building catching the low sun as I was on my way to Paternoster Square. In a few weeks the framework of some office monstrosity will be blocking this view for another hundred years, I was glad I was there in the afternoon sun and was able to snap it!

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