Down in the Dip

By DownintheDip

Stained Glass Angels on the Bench

This was the only photo I took today. These are pieces of glass from the window we are making at work. The cartoon was drawn by somebody else. My job is to transfer the design to glass. This means figuring out which pieces will be what colours and then painting the images and decoration onto the individual bits of glass. These are then fired in the kiln and leaded together. These pieces are on the lightbox which shows up in the photo as yellow lines.

It is no harm me looking at the photo as I can spot all the mistakes before the paint gets cooked on forever.
I don't know if it is because of her posture but the angel on the top right looks like she could be starring in an XXX rated DVD. I maybe I should change her a bit, it's really not right for an angel.

Also the one on the top left has a melted welly face and I'm not happy with the eye on angel, bottom right. I like bottom left so I suppose one out of four ain't bad.

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