What happened was...

By DJHairbear

Time to play with the candles again!

When I got up this morning I thought today might involve a snow related blip, if the idiots in our local Tesco were anything to go by, we were in for the worst blizzard since records began! Why is it that people always panic buy bread and milk?

By lunchtime the small flurry of snow had stopped and melted from the ground, it's done nothing but rain all afternoon, maybe the panic milk buying brigade are anticipating a flood? Who knows?

Anyway, rain outside means indoor blip! (as you may already know, I'm likely to melt in the rain) we bought some new candles today so thought I'd be a bit "arty" with them.

Gem (the wife!) is a happy little "Hammer" today! A win over their fierce rivals Millwall is always welcomed in this household, as will a Liverpool win over Spurs on Monday. I wonder if there will be any tax related chants at Anfield?

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