Serendipity moments

By MissSerendipity

When it snows!

Work this morning and it was chaotic!! Just as I returned home it started to snow lightly(the first we've had this winter) so we headed out to do our planned food shop only to find that everywhere was crazily busy! You would have thought that the world was about to end with the amount of people panic buying! We on the other hand did an about turn and decided against it. Since then it hasn't stopped snowing so tomorrow will comprise of a lazy morning, taking my camera for a walk in the snow and then digging my car out of said snow ready for work on Monday!

For those of that saw yesterdays blip, I am proud to say that I have only had 1, yes 1 cup of coffee today! Yay me!!! I have however replaced it with chocolate, not so proud! :-(

Happy snow weekend everyone!

I hope Al Wilson will pick you up if you're feeling low, it works for me everytime!

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