East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

At Brooms Head for Sunday morning breakfast

Friends rang last night to see if we would like to meet them at Brooms Head (about 40 minutes south) for breakfast this morning at 7.30am DST which is only 6.30am real time. I'm a night owl and not a morning person, so it was a bit of a challenge for me to be up that early. I'm so pleased though as it was a beautiful morning and friend M cooked bacon and eggs which we ate right beside the beach. We took a thermos of tea and some bran loaf as well and it was a perfect way to start the day. We decided we must do it more often.
Those of you with sharp eyes may be able to make out a Sea Eagle on the rocks if you look at it in large. He is very well camouflaged on the rocky outcrop in the foreground and is sitting on the second pointy bit in from the right.
EDIT: I have just checked and he can't be seen in this shot - sorry!
I will try and load a few more shots of the beautiful views into Blipfolio as well. Have a good Sunday everyone.Breakfast view looking north
Red Cliff Lookout
Birds in flight
Sea Eagle here on rocks in the foreground

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