Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Graham is planning to do his next project about the sea.
We went to Bournemouth today, for some primary research.

... And also cos the beach is awesome and lovely.
... And also cos first class train tickets were cheap.

I don't think I've ever worn so many clothes on the beach:
Tights, leggings, jeans, socks x2, vest, short sleeved tshirt, long sleeved tshirt, jumper, coat, boots, scarf, hat, mittens.

Actually, it was quite a bit warmer than the last few days, and all of last night's snow had disappeared by mid morning. Still, cold enough to warrant a good hot chocolate to warm up.

(Alternatives 1,2,3,4,5)
(I would've attempted a much more attractive face in my World Over entry if I'd known it was gonna be blown up on such a huge screen...)

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