This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today started late, but I knew I didn't want to miss the big screen debut of Scotland the World Over so we were out the door by 1:40ish and arrived a bit late. It was an enjoyable and mild walk there and it was good to see many of the lovely blippers I had recently met and a few more that I met for the first time.

After that we decided to head over to the Royal Scottish Academy for the newest exhibitions that just opened. Very good art was seen and discussed. I plan to go back and absorb it all some more. Just so much art! I really need to get busy making some of my own. I have a show in March at Embo on Leith Walk.

Then we meandered about and headed home. I cooked dinner and we finished off the pineapple upside down cake. Later we watched episodes of tales of the city and Dr. Who on the computer. A pretty good Sunday.

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