New Dress

2years 108days
Katie had a fairly good sleep last night. She'd gone to bed in just knicks, she didnt want her jammies on. She'd snuggled in under her duvet with her friends, so was nice and warm. I went to check on her about 11 and found her laid on top of her bed, wearing my fleecy pyjama bottoms.

I'd hoped we'd have more snow time this morning before nursery, and the snow is still here. But Katie doesnt want to go play in it. She did want to snuggle up warm, so got dressed very quickly. Here she is in a new dress - it's still rather big, it goes down beyond her calves, but it makes her look very long and slim. She likes it a lot too!

It's a nursery day for Katie, and a doing day for Mummy. I'm making a trip to the big blue shop as soon as I've dropped her at nursery (I've picked some storage for her room, discovered that to buy it in one would cost £60, to buy the same number squares of shelves in two units is £40, and more transportable!) Once I've been there it's on with the packing. I have a wall full of boxes in the lounge now, quite a lot of things are packed from there. On to the kitchen today.

EDIT: I decided to add about her day at nursery because they were in stitches about her. They've spent most of the morning in the snow, and she was absolutely loving it. They went in their playground then onto the big sports field too. They took sledges and allsorts. Whilst out in the snow, her and her little friend Ben were having a dinnerdate. Of snow. Emma tried to tell them not to, because "animals might have wee'd in it". They continued to shovel it in by the fistfull, with increasingly cheeky faces. I saw Ben and his mum before I got to the classroom. Ben said "animals wee in snow and i eat it". I got to Katie who told me "they wee in snow. Snow in my mouth".

Happy Mondays to all.

PS thankyou so much for all the hearts and stars yesterday xx

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