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By PoWWow

Free : Fondu

I won't deny that as we walked through that fine foresty-forest once again, that we didn't feel completely wretched. Whether it was impending Legionnaire's Disease acting like an unfortunate consequence of our swampy swim or drastically too much wine, I wasn't sure but we had to find a quick cure for this self-induced shameful sickness. En route to dinner with the bosses, on the bosses, we had to make a speedy recovery within the short time it took us to make the ascent to the hidden cozy restaurant Le Cremerie; situated half way down a ski run + notorious for its extensive menu of different Fondu ensembles. I'm a firm believer that this sweet variety of mountain air hovering in + out of our brains can create the cure for any ailment, and stoically sticking to its guns, we were raring to go as soon as we hit the wooden hutted eating joint. The occasion was a staff Thank You, and we were more than happy to clink glasses and celebrate the wonderful season we'd had so far. The bosses sure did lay it on + we were treated to such a delicious feast- all the way up there, surrounded by an almost perfect darkness + winding snow trails, spiralling like frozen spaghetti leading to multiple mysterious destinations above 1200 metres. Apparently by this time last year, there had already been four people fired from a team of six, so we feel a mixture of surprise, bewilderment and glee to still be part of the team. Time is moving fast out here and I'm worried that if I blink again it'll be time to leave.

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