Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Oh I wish I had had more time down at the water tonight, it was just so peaceful, still and the light was lovely.

After a noisy day at work it was a nice scene, and I actually felt myself take a deep breath in and out and relax. This seven day headache is really starting to wear thin.

I had a load of indoor jobs waiting for me when I got home.
Phone Mortgage Centre, aarrgh!
Plaster the hole in the ceiling where the roof leaked. It is now ready for me to wallpaper the paper back up.
Write thank you notes.
Hoover, dishes, tidy and cook tea.
All done now, and I can reward myself with finishing an ok book before my friend comes over for coffee. I like Monday nights:)

It's good to keep busy , it stops the mind wandering. That, I am struggling with at the moment. Too many things to think about that I have no control over.

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