Snippets of Life

By betho

It was a beautiful day (despite being bitterly cold) but i had to stay in and revise while they went for a wander round the lake. So i took a photo of them all wrapped up in their red coats. Sarah particularly wanted her gloves to get in so stuck it on her face...

I did go in the evening to AberT though. It was a good one. Had a few new people and had a great chat with 3 of the new girls. Had some of the usual 'but where did God come from in the first place' type questions and then out of the blue
'but how did he make the world, i mean... he didn't even have paper or pens or anything!' Whatever you want to make you start with a pen and paper apparently..

They were also absolutely blown away by the idea that God knows how many hairs are on our heads. One of them just kept coming back to it in complete amazement. I loved it, it's so easy to just hear something so much that it becomes meaningless. And it would have been easy to find all sorts of big facts and crazy quotes to try and impress them. But they wouldn't have meant anything to these kids, they got far more from that one simple sentence than any intellectual ideas we could have tried to conjure up.

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