A place in time

By Verbosa

What, with these feet?

The snow made a good crack at melting today - only slightly slippery & slushy walking down to work. To be safe, I went down in my walking boots but carried my new coil gripper things with me (just in case). Mind you, I still tottered about like one of those little wind-up toys that you used to be able to get - one foot barely in front of the other in little mincing steps with hands a'kimbo to balance (and possibly make my wrists the first things available to break should the worst happen and I hit the deck). But really it was OK today, just a bit slippy...

Anyway, walking back along the river I spotted these foot/paw/claw prints and they made me smile. Although I confess I didn't notice the dog prints intermingled with the boot prints - it was the bird prints that made me smile. I think they are from the Moorhens that are frequently seen along that stretch - must try to get a shot of their feet as they appear almost day-glo green (like they have gone mouldy under the water!).

(Also like the reflection in the water...)

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