
Spent a large part of the day trying to help a poor little injured robin. I don't know what had happened to it (I suspect it was cat-related) but it couldn't fly far and was obviously in a bad state.

It wouldn't let me pick it up but I tried to shoo it to a safer place, gave it some food and got some straw from my neighbour to try and help keep it warm. I'm quite pragmatic about these things, especially where wild animals are concerned, because it's just the natural course of life after all, but if you'd seen how he was looking at me... all day... it was dreadful - I didn't know what to do for the poor thing. Even if I caught him and took him inside, I would probably only be prolonging his agony.

I took quite a few pictures of him before I realised he was injured but I don't want to put any of those up here because, as expected, he didn't survive the night. It only occurred to me this morning when I was trying to find a picture to use instead that this pigeon looked a bit like a 'bird angel'.

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