One of five a day

By KiloRomeo

Lunatic Blip

Thank you all, my friends, for your kind messages of concern and support. If there is one reason, I feel like I am here to stay on blip, it is because of all your goodwill.

I bow to your goodness Nalini and feel very humbled by your support. A heartfelt "thank you" to you. xxx

Background reading ...if none of this is making sense and you really have all day to spend on my blip :)

So what's going on with me? I have only spoken with one eyed people all day. Most of my vision is back, except for the pseudo blind spot(s) in my field of vision, caused by flashing patterns. I am also off from work and being entertained by Kylie Minogue (on radio) :-|

Negotiating the state and private healthcare system is possibly even more tiring than coping with my discomfort. However, I have seen both, my GP and a specialist today. I am yet un-diagnosed. And later this week and I am going to need my head examined to rule out that it isn't anything more than a optic nerve inflamation.

That said, flashing patterns are seen by both eyes in the same spot, so the central image processing system, may need to be rebooted. Hey, what do I know? I am just a techie.

On the other hand, it may just go away. As I type this, I am nearing the 72 hour mark since onset and I still feel some pressure inside my jelly container.

I love to chat, but please forgive me if I don't respond to your comments. It is still a strain to type. I am commenting very selectively on your blips, as I still cannot process complex images in my head. I hope to spring back soon.

By the way, Miss KR, said this was a great shot from the theoretical predicted time of full moon. So if it is not, please send her a postcard :) I still can't tell

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