
By wayfarer

Into The Blue

I'm just back from a quick trip to Seaford which turned into a couple of hours walk across the clifftops from Seaford Head to Seven Sisters. It was such a lovely, bright, crisp day that I couldn't help myself. I could see The Seven Sisters from just beyond Seaford Head and I had to keep walking. I ended up covered in thick, chalky mud. My shoes are on the radiator drying out as they are the only ones I've brought with me.

I had my walking boots in the car but by the time I thought I'd need them, I'd already hiked to the top of Seaford Head and I wasn't going back.

Instead of another photo of the cliffs in the late sunlight you get this fishing boat, heading out from Newhaven. I was frozen taking this from the cliffs - goodness knows how the fishermen felt. (You probably can't see it even in large but there's somone out on deck). They'll come back to port some time tonight or first thing in the morning. Sooner them than me.

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