Some Days

By Euphemist

Evening Flight

Pinkfoot geese at Archerfield, East Lothian.

The Golf course was closed again today because of frost on the tees and greens. The head greenkeeper will not let anybody on the course while it is frosted. This is because the footprints turn black and can allow fungal diseases to attack the damaged plant cells.

There was an argument in the clubhouse, one intrepid golfer insisting that he should play, Darrin insisting he shouldn't.

"Well, they're playing at Gullane," he said

"Go and play at Gullane then," said the head greenkeeper.

This meant that everywhere was very quiet today and this flock of pinkfoots took up residence on the eighteenth fairway.

Lovely to see them, but not their mess. So they were shooed gently onto the turf-nursery and irrigation lake.

Bigfoot geese.

There's no rest for the wicked, as my old Dad used to say.

Edit: Yet again used the wrong version. Apologies for replacement!

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