my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Where's Me Jumper?

i fell over on some black ice today. a monumental fall, on the road, in front of loads of people...and so quick i didnt know what happened till i felt my face hit the tarmac.

a milisecond later Evie joined me...but i broke her fall!

Any other day and i could have gone home, took it easy, found my pride but today i had to head into work, bleeding knee, bruised face and very painful arm.

got a lot of love and concern from Twitter...which was lovely and i felt like i'd been picked up and dusted down.

Arm has got progressively worse so will need to visit the docs tomorrow if it doesn't improve.

i couldn't move it tonight so had to cut the arm off my jumper to get undressed. Pah!

So, this is me...a bit broken, typing one handed and mourning my black jumper.


....made me think of this little ditty by The Sultans of Ping

"Took it straight down to meet the anarchist's party.
I met a groovy guy, he was arty farty,
He said 'I know a little latin man... a cus man a kai'

I said 'I don't know what it means'
he said 'neither do I'

It's alright to say things can only get better,
You haven't lost your brand new sweater.
Pure new wool, and perfect stitches,
Not the type of jumper that makes you itches
Oh no."


Thank you to everyone who cared today x

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