Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

A Geneologist I am Not!

Relaxing with a bit of Pumpkin Angel Food Cake I made yesterday and a spot o' tea. The cake was a breeze to make...just a Betty Crocker Angel Food Cake Mix, 1 Tablespoon flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice, and 3/4 cup pumpkin. (I used some pumpkin I had processed myself last fall...basically baking pie pumpkins, then scraping out the innards and freezing them in sandwich bags.) After cake cools completely, cut in half horizontally. Supposed to use whipped cream or Cool Whip with 1 1/2 teaspoons ginger, but, since I had neither cream nor CW, I concocted French Cream Icing.


So....I went to Eldest Daughter's house today because my mom asked me to find out some info on her family tree...regarding her paternal grandmother's ancestors. Oh boy....It seems all information has evaporated into the air, or perhaps the answers lie in Ireland or Scotland regarding our McKelvey ties.....

Daughter also had information regarding my paternal grandfather's roots back to Bokavina. It stated on his birth certificate that his parents were peasants! Wow. Glad they don't list such personal info any longer!

So my mind is dancing in circles presently and my head aches. Too much history in one day, methinks!

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