Another Tit

A dashing around kind of day and so a quick blue tit shot before it's too dark. Not that it's actually got that light today: cold and gloomy here. I took the dogs for a walk over Iron Hill this morning (well, actually, it was more of a skate as the snow has now frozen). There was a woman with a labrador on a lead a little way ahead of us. As Basil and Polly caught her up she shouted at me, "If your dogs come near my dog it will bite them!". I shouted back, "You should get your dog a muzzle then!", but she didn't respond and sped off ahead. I managed to get Basil and Polly to return to me and took them along a different route instead. I'll be looking out for her in the future, though, and warning other dog walkers.

In other news, my replacement gizmo that connects the camera to the tripod plate has arrived so I am fully equipped again.

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