Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Uli - "Its still there then?"

With the help of Mr Mouse and Ferd Cuddles I did manage to sleep, but I did wake up this morning with a slight back spasm - I think its because all my muscles had got so tight with where I had got worked up.

I was meant to be sewing today, have a commission order that I need to complete, but because of back I have been on the sofa with a heat pack and jewellery making.

Back is feeling much better so I will be able to get on with the sewing tomorrow.

Doctors tomorrow, I have a double appointment - thats a whole 20 minutes.

Still need to deal with work - meant to be having a meeting regarding my attendance - but erm I cant actually face them, I worked myself up into a right state for a couple of words in an email - I have no idea what I am going to do.

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