Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

One of those days!

Yesterday, I almost didn't blip, but I saw the moon, thought it looked amazing and did my best to capture it. My feeling was that my photo was pretty poor and after quite a while, when it had got no comments, I felt that maybe it was worse than I even imagined and I was close to deleting it. It would not be the first time I have had second thoughts and deleted a photo!

But....I didn't. I waited and now I cannot tell you how chuffed I am to have had four hearts for it!! Thank you so much for those, the stars and the wonderful comments! I know of course that there are many amongst you that regularly get this and more, but for me, these accolades are still a rare and heart warming treat! For some reason it has made me think of this song, which is now stuck in my head :)

Today has been one of the most stressful, manic, demanding, hideously busy days at work for a very long time - this photo (of a long-tailed tit), was taken quickly during my lunch break and I am dashing to upload it after work and before Welsh class, whilst simultaneously trying to grab a bite to eat whilst half dressed and getting ready to go out! (Now that I have conjured up that rather disturbing image of my evening shenanigans, I shall continue ;-)

Today has seen stroppy customers shouting at me, other stroppy customers not being in (which seems like a good thing but it just postpones the inevitable until tomorrow!), failing IT, staff accidentally deleting half the database and more demands on me and my time than I, (or anyone), could possibly hope to meet.

Despite all that however, today has still managed to bring some wonderful, warm moments....little segments of sunshine on a dull day, which have brought a definite smile to my face against all the odds :)

Hope you all have a good evening :)


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