It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

A note from mum.....

Hi there everyone, Lily has kindly let me speak to you tonight!

I just wanted to thank you all so very much for the lovely comments you have left for us whilst Lily has been going through her "op" and me with my various illnesses!

Unfortunately I really feel bad today, so I visited the doctor who has said I should rest as much as I can. When I had the campylobacter my lymph nodes were swollen in my tummy and now where I have been coughing so much with the flu it has really aggrevated them and I am in a bit of pain (either that or it is a hernia?? which I am praying not....!). Plus I feel completely run down and like I am 90 years old! I haven't been this poorly for years.

Sooooo, I have decided to have a little break from blip. I have been really struggling to find things to photograph when madam and I aren't up to much and we really don't have much to tell you about apart from to moan about how ill I feel! I know that blip is all about a photo a day so I feel bad :-( Perhaps I will just take a picture of Lily looking cute and not write any words for a while. We will see how it goes. I know that snow is forecast here over the next few days so I must get a photo of her in her first snow, even if she can't play yet!

Dan and I are so proud of how she has coped with her operation! She has hardly moaned and not really thought about touching her dressing. It comes off tomorrow so hopefully she is on the right side of the road to recovery. I hope that I will be better soon too so that we can both get back to entertaining you with her antics!

Thank you all for your lovely support. I will be checking in from time to time, I love seeing everyone's blips.

I hope you like the picture of madam with the sign marma and grandad bought her for christmas. It is VERY true!

Bye for now
Sarah xxx

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