Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

Moody cow

I spent the whole day today in the warm playing with young Michael and attempting to take a spectacular photo for today's blip and I couldn't decide on anything interesting.
Off we went to feed the horses, tuck them into their jammies and take a photo or 2 of the very inquisitive cows. Unfortunately the light was fading a little too fast and I couldn't get a good shot.
So we headed home to stumble upon the needy cow. Its called this due to the annoying way it just yells 'hug me' every time its ignored for 30 seconds. And starts its song with 'I'm a cow, come play with me...' 'hug me' *urgh*
So, needy cow is usually accompanied by 'friendly light up bear' who also likes hugs and demands them constantly.
I am looking forward to the day when these can make their way to the bin, although I'm sure that once they do I'll miss their little voices around the house.

Hrm. I think I need more adult interaction...

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