probably definately

By chole33

Triple Band-aid

How To: keep a shower operational when the tiles have started to fall off the wall.

1) Dry out the crumbling drywall. Carefully re-mortar on some new tiles. Caulk the joints because grouting would bring down the wall. This will last a couple months.

Once the original band-aid fails:
2) Duct tape garbage bags over the falling apart wall in order to get a shower in before work.

3) Realise that the duct tape isnt going to hold long and ponder how to scrape by for a bit longer. Ponder where the best thinking takes place: the shower. 'How do I keep the water from getting over there. Wait, I am keeping water from getting into the rest of the bathroom. Shower Curtain!'

4) Vow to stop procrastinating and finish the remodel of the other bathroom....tomorrow.

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