Hi, I'm Connor.

By connorics2

Hurry up!

The frost is still about up in Scotland everyone!;
On my way to school in the morning and after a few slippery attempts to get to the car on our ice rink of a drive we eventually made it, the door handles were frozen with ice curling round the handholds, when we were in the car the hot seats were on straight away with the temperature turned up to its maximum, with us trying to reverse our vision was limited with the ice that had crept up the windows during the night, so we put the window down but the ice was still standing up, I thought this would have been a really cool thing to capture for blip, but sadly, the ice fell backwards off the window (due to it melting) and making me unable to get the camera out in time to capture the amazing sight! All that was left was this little piece of ice still standing strong, I experimental with the focus on my 4s and it turned out very detailed and beautiful, I couldn't resist blipping this one!
Although how pretty it may look, I can't wait for the blazing hot summer days (hopefully we get some this year!) I have so much planned for summer and I can't wait to get going! I'm going to make summer 2012 a blast!
Hope you have a good year!

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