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By PoWWow

Ice cold

I have never experienced cold like this. These little chaps seem to be forming at the speed of light, I thought I'd pay homage to this fella as I think the hidden away icicles are under rated. The huge death traps lining every roof covering that span at least a few feet each get all the attention [especially from Dan : "But Anna, have you really seen how big those icicles are!?"] Minus 30 continuations outside making it very hard to contemplate ditching the lap of luxury so all morning we milled + pottered + ate our way around the chalet enjoying it for everything its worth. And then out into the gleaming afternoon sun we twinkled our way along the cross country tracks + stopped occasionally to marvel more + more + more at the catastrophic beauty whose charming ways secured a good stretch of striding in new directions but only until the salivating pull of the steaming sunset hot tub accompanied by ice cold Leffe worked its way into our panting brains, at which point we made a unanimously eager decision to return back to base as quickly as our tragic techniques would allow us, to melt away the rest of the pinking light and wait for the stars to peer over the mountain peaks. I have never experienced cold like this. These little chaps seem to be forming at the speed of light, I thought I'd pay homage to this fella as I think the hidden away icicles are under rated. The huge death traps lining every roof covering that span at least a few feet each get all the attention [especially from Dan : "But Anna, have you really seen how big those icicles are!?"] Minus 30 continuations outside making it very hard to contemplate ditching the lap of luxury so all morning we milled + pottered + ate our way around the chalet enjoying it for everything its worth. And then out into the gleaming afternoon sun we twinkled our way along the cross country tracks + stopped occasionally to marvel more + more + more at the catastrophic beauty whose charming ways secured a good stretch of striding in new directions but only until the salivating pull of the steaming sunset hot tub accompanied by ice cold Leffe worked its way into our panting brains, at which point we made a unanimously eager decision to return back to base as quickly as our tragic techniques would allow us, to melt away the rest of the pinking light and wait for the stars to peer over the mountain peaks.

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