
By mandygf

9/29... portrait...

an easier challenge for me today... although my models ... well the little one anyway wasn't so accomodating... the little devil....

I like this so much it may have to find it's way onto a canvas....

list of the little devil's antics from last night....

1... I went into the bathroom & he had the hose from the hoover attached to the tap & the floor was flooded... I called him to the bathroom to ask what was going on (although it was quite clear..) & he came running & skidded across the floor & hit the wall on the otherside of the room....

2... got into my bed at 2am & wet it... I woke a little soggy... aaarrrgghh... so stripped the bed & changed it...

3... took the wet bedding to the bathroom & the tv in the livingroom was on & everyone was in bed.... Stuart was getting the blame for it being left on & he was adament that he'd switched it off.... when we got up in the morning I questioned Stuart again & still he wasn't taking the blame... so I asked Cooper if it was him & he had a grin from ear to ear & said... "it was me..." he couldn't find his "program" left it & crawled into our bed....

lets hope tonight is uneventful....

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