
By wingpig

made in scotland by spiders

I'm not sure whether this is oddly decorative (complemented by the algal greengrowths) or just another sign of oafery. At least they didn't just leave it on the ground or chuck it into the river, especially the little bit of river the wall side of the walkway thing where all the froth and scum from the weir ends up where it would then remain for months.

Nice normal morning. Got some things done and sent out for approval. Went to an exceptionally dull meeting during which I'm certain my eyes closed for a second or two; luckily I didn't do that twitching-start thing so no-one (particularly not the two managers three feet away) noticed. After that things went mildly downhill to the extent that I'm tempted to make a little model set of goalposts on wheels to meaningfully push around my desk the next time someone comes to inform me of changes to things.

Remembered to go for lunch in sufficient time today for a little loop of the river. I need to find some more routes; I'm wearing out the river now that there is no need for me to wander past camera shops all the time. Still managing to walk along at least one road I've never been down before each time I go for a walk, though. Found a nice new quiet and ill-lit alley just off Causewayside this evening which deserves further investigation at a later date. I chanced upon Suffolk Road Lane a while back and used today as its later date to pop back to it but haven't caught it at the right time yet when it's nice and glisteny but not actually raining all over the front of the lens.

It's nice that although I've mostly lived around this sort of area for twelve years there are still bits around every other corner where I haven't yet walked. I'd lived for twelve years in the village where my parents still live before I moved up here and can easily say that I had walked along each side of every road and lane at least ten (and in some cases many tens of thousands of) times though paper rounds obviously helped up the exploration count. I think I've mentioned before how areas which used to seem strange and distant (like Tollcross and Stockbridge) are now just a few familiar minutes away. I wonder if it's just knowing where they are and what's around them or something more sinister like my semi-rural-environment sense of navigation slowly becoming attuned to a more urban setting...

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