no poetry, no symmetry

By kwayner3

A New Kind Of Army

Barack Obama came to my hood, Berea, Ohio today. I got up early to drive out for tickets, but they had no more. Soooo I waited around, and talked to Jeremy, my friend from school, who called this guy who works on the Obama campaign but was in Youngstown, and he tried to call and get me in. I talked to some other guy and told him the situation, and he was like "this isn't Youngstown" and I wanted to say "ohhhhhhh, really? I'm LOST!" Anyway, I finally ran into my friend Katie, whose parents were working, and had an extra.

I took 109 photos there, and tried my best the pick the best one... I hope this is it. Cropped a bit, but that's all.

I'm glad I went, it was a good experience, and I learned a bit.

Haha, and a funny story - I went to sneak my other friend Jack in, and some guy saw me pass him a stub; Jack made up this angry story how he forgot his stub, and I brought it out to him; eventually, some lady came and was like "just let him in" and we had to strain to keep from laughing.

It was great.

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