Scottish cheeses

Woke up anticipating another great walk, but it was not to be. Overnight there had been some snow, which turned to rain, and the whole of Cumbria had frozen solid. Couldn't step out of the hotel except on to an ice rink. Our hotel was at the top of the hill in Bo'ness on Windermere, and the coach could not move down the hill. Our intention had been to travel over near Keswick, do our walk and then we were booked for a meal in a hotel in Keswick. However, due to the ice, there had been twenty four accidents on the road to Keswick, and the road was closed. All we could do was enjoy the amenities of the hotel until noon, by which time the hotel staff and council had cleared the car park and road down to the village and we were able to get on our way.

The road to Keswick however was still blocked, so we travelled to Kendal and on to the motorway north, and had to forego our walk and our meal. We will I am sure catch it all at a later date. Stopped at Gretna for a break, and took my blip in the shop. Lots of choice of tartan tacky souvenirs, but I chose this blip of some Scottish cheeses.

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