Time to dig out these cyclamen

Some days are simply not photography days and this has been one of them (so was yesterday)!

So today I've undertaken some admin for the Geog & Global Dimension project, done a little housework, met with our architect (he came this afternoon and I'm feeling much more relieved about progress) and dug up these cyclamen. We have someone coming to remove two conifers next week and I didn't want the cyclamen to be trampled. I'm feeling a little bad about the conifers as I know they provide a cosy roost for birds in this cold weather but we needed to get the job done before the birds start nesting again and the trees (which are not Lleylandii) are getting too tall and blocking our light. Unfortunately we are also going to have to deal with the problem of a neglected and extremely vigorous large leaved ivy which has covered the back of the trees as well as half of the adjacent garden.

It's still very cold out, though fortunately we don't have snow so it feels good to sit at the computer with the warmth of the fire at my back.

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