Is That You David?

Alexandra and I got up early and went to a local market. This market is always on over the two days of the weekend and because it is so popular you have to get there early to park.

It starts at 7am but we didn't get there till about 8.30. We had no trouble parking as we parked in the street and walked to the market.

I haven't been to this market for about 4 years, it used to be packed and quite difficult to walk around.

But by about 9.30 there was still hardly anybody there and even when we left there were still plenty of parking spaces in the car park.

So I'm not sure why it's lost it's popularity, maybe just too many other shopping centres around now.

On the way home we passed this beautiful housing estate called Emerald Lakes. I've always wanted to look at it as it looks as if it's just been dropped there from the Mediterranean.

It was absolutely beautiful and I'd really like to live there.

This statue was near the very few shops there.

(I had an idea to crop this in a certain place for the thumbnail, but I thought I'd better not!!!)

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