One Day Removals

A busy day .... in addition to a normal days work ... I got to ask a question on Brian Taylor's Big Debate on Radio Scotland today which was broadcast from the Maritime Museum, then I had to rush back up to UTG where Sonny and Us had informed me that Patrick Wright and Scott Ironside, stars of One Day Removals would be shooting some film to help campaign for Union Terrace Gardens. Seeing the huge banner unveiled from One Up Records was the icing on the cake .... until businessman Jimmy Milne - CEO of the Balmoral Group - made this statement (which the local press have buried)

"I'm afraid there is a lot of misinformation and miscommunication taking place over this terribly divisive issue. Contrary to what has been reported, a 'Plan B' does exist. If the good public of Aberdeen vote to re-develop Union Terrace Gardens I wish the project well and hope that it is delivered on time and on budget. If, however, the vote is to retain the gardens, and I personally hope that will be the case, I and many of my business contemporaries, are committed to establishing a fund which will help bring the gardens back to their former glory. Without destroying our heritage, and without putting Aberdeen City further into debt, it would not be difficult to breathe fresh life into the park. Improved access, new planting, cleaning and restoration, park wardens and live events could all be relatively easily and cost effectively achieved. When you realise that destructive cuts are being made to the maintenance programmes of all the parks and public spaces across the city, it really does make you wonder where the sense is in committing £140 million to a project that many believe won't deliver much for the long term prosperity of Aberdeen. I don't think it is generally known that many of our parks are being closed early because the funds aren't there to service them. How, then, can we commit to underwriting a new development when our existing facilities are effectively being run down? As for the myth of the new gardens generating 6,500 jobs? Has this ever been really been explained? My understanding is that these jobs will be based in the business parks under development around town and not in the city centre as some people may think. I believe these jobs will come to Aberdeen anyway; they are not being created by the City Garden project. It is ludicrous to think otherwise. Has anyone considered that the extraordinary taxation scheme being proposed to fund the gardens might put businesses off of locating in Aberdeen? When these companies learn that their taxes won't be used equitably across the country, but are being siphoned off for a local, some might call vanity, project, will they think again? Finally, we must have clarity on costs. Having worked in the construction industry for many years, I have genuine fears that this project cannot be delivered for the sum quoted. We certainly don't want another Holyrood on our hands. If Sir Ian and the project team have confidence in their figures, why don't they commit to underwriting the full amount of all overrunning costs? There is enough debt around already. Are we asking Aberdonians to vote themselves further into the red?"

Good on you Jimmy Milne!

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