The Life of Bri

By bri

Double Whoopsie

Whoopsie #1:
I totally forgot to blip yesterday. Two full years worth down, and you just forget. Ah well - at least I didn't break a long continuous streak.

Whoopsie #2:
Mrs B had a dressage comp tonight.
Weather pants.
Got to the stables.
Tromped around in the mud and deep puddles to hitch up the trailer.
Got rained on.
Got greasy from the tow hitch.
Loaded Teaser (surprisingly easily - only took about 15 minutes this time!).
Steamed in the truck as we drove to riding club.
Oh oh, no-one else there.
Let's give them a little while.
No one else turns up.
Show cancelled - due to er, pants weather.
Drive back to stables.
Unload Teaser.
Shovel horse poo.
Unhitch trailer (rained on, puddles, mud, grease etc).
Drive home.

Skye hasn't done a Whoopsie on the kitchen floor - result!

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