
By Regine

Challenge day 11: Celebrate - Smile!!!

I'm not really sure about this photo... hope you won't find it weird...
Today's challenge was 'celebrate' and that was easy as this is blip #200!

I had so many ideas for today's blip, but some nice migraine put a stop to that... (does it ever stop?) So I went with this. Recently the dentist made this model (hope that is the correct translation) of my teeth and gave it to me when she was done with it :) I was very pleased as I also have these things from before I had my braces, the difference is amazing!

Nowadays I really love my smile (If you want to see me smile, check out the 'about Regine' page...) and I smile back to everybody that looks at me friendly :)

Lovely blippers, thanks for sticking around, even during my dark days... I enjoy the daily hunt for a good photo, I'm learning something new every day!



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