
By Chiara


Basil can be used to treat nausea, thick coughs, cramps, constipation, and indigestion. When applied externally, basil is effective in drawing out bee, wasp, and snake venom. Because it is slightly sedative, basil is a good alternative to tension relief medicine. Maybe that's why Sicilians eat a lot of basil.

I wish I knew this information earlier today, as I would have eaten the whole plant to calm myself down. After receiving exceptionally bad news from some tool at Student Financial Services, I was in tears. I was so agitated that I paced around the house -- up and down the stairs, back and forth in the kitchen -- in order to keep myself from breaking something. Last time I had financial aid trouble with school, I shoved my foot through Nate's printer. Yes, I'm part Sicilian. Why do you ask?

Everything got sorted out, thanks to my mom. Whew. I don't know what I would do without her.

I saw Rumble Fish today. Great movie.

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