All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Brick Walls

It was my turn for a lie-in today. So hubbie got up with Ethan when he woke at 6.10am (why does he always wake earlier than average when he goes to bed later)?? However, I didn't get a great lie-in cos when hubbie brought him back upstairs for a nappy change Ethan decided he wanted mummy and came charging through to our bed, climbed on the bed, pulled the covers away from my head and shouted "MUMMY" very gleefully!

I took him to his gymnastics class this morning. As usual he wouldn't join in with the circle song at the beginning, but he did make good attempts at lots of the equipment and sat for the song at the end. He didn't want to walk straight back to the car with me afterwards though and insisted on spending ages walking along all the low walls outside the college.

We then went over to The Centre as I wanted to get his passport photos taken. However, he had a complete meltdown in Jessops, refused to sit on the stool and kept trying to escape out the shop. I gave up in the end and told the assistant I'd try again later. He was obviously knackered though cos he fell asleep in the car 2 minutes into our journey home and slept for an hour and a half.

He nearly missed seeing Foreveryoung & Eden who had arrived while he was sleeping. In fact, they were getting ready to go when he woke up so I think he was rather beumsed to only see them for a few minutes.

Hubbie & I then took him back down to The Centre for a second attempt at the photos. He still wouldn't sit on the stool in Jessops, but the manager there suggested he sit on hubbies shoulders and that hubbie kneel on the floor. It took quite a few shots, but we got there in the end!

I then had to go to the opticians to get my eyes tested. Verdict - yes I do need a new prescription. And how hard was it to choose 2 new frames! All of them seemed to be really dark frames (a la Alan Carr) or with really bling arms, neither of which is really "me". The ones I've chosen are a bit of a change for me, so I hope I don't decide I really don't like them once I pick them up!

4 hours overtime this evening which finished off the evening for me. Now off to bed.

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