
By kamerakazi

Kettlebells, my secret

I used to go to the gym for nearly 10 years here. Yes, I had big arms and was strong, but I could never get rid of my tummy, and I would spend 2 hours, 3 days a week, training. I met a lot of good friends at the gym, but at 10,000 yen a month (about 100$US), I wanted better results... Well, 1 year ago, I picked up a kettlebell for the first time, and ordered a DvD on kettlebell training (Kettleworx by Ryan Shanahan), and wow! What a difference! 6 pack, high energy levels, powerful core and full body workouts. I stopped my gym membership 10 months ago today, and have never looked back :)

If you want good results, and have 3 days a week where you can spare 20-25 minutes, then I can recommend this Kettleworx program!

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