
A busy morning of cooking and stocking up the freezer with meals so that the week, which looks like being a busy one, goes smoothly.

While our friends in the south shiver, the temperature in the back garden reached a heady 17.6 degrees this afternoon. So once all the chores were done we headed down to Tentsmuir for a late afternoon walk. Its so much easier now the days are a bit longer, there is no rush to get out on a walk just after lunch so that you can do a decent walk before it gets dark.

The sun was shining on Tentsmuir and the tide was on the way in. Some lovely views to be had :) I liked this one with the shadows of the trees playing on the sand.

I am experimenting tonight with a chicken tagine, not 100% certain on the taste of it - perhaps a tad too sweet for my palette :)

Have a great Sunday x

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