
By Armagn

Raspberries In-waiting - Primocane/Floricane

"Autumn-fruiting, ever-bearing, fallbearing, or tip-fruiting varieties of raspberries have been known for many years. They flower and fruit on the tips of one year old primocanes late in the season. After bearing, the tip dies, so that only the lower part of the cane can bear fruit the following summer.

On the other hand, with main crop raspberries, primocanes are grown in the first season and kept over winter at which stage they are known as floricanes, to fruit the following season. After fruiting, these canes are pruned out, and the primocanes thinned and left to carry the following season's crop.

For autumn raspberries, after primocanes have finished fruiting, all canes are removed. The following season, new primocanes grow and bear fruit on the tips in autumn. The first crop can be harvested eight months after planting, so a return is achieved in the first growing season."

Here we see two sorts of Summer and one Autumn fruiting varieties, but they all look the same while waiting for planting out in their new home in March. Fruit yield is said to be enhanced by low winter temperatures - they certainly experiences those.

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