Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Tired Munchkins!

Wow busy day. Weather still cold, well -8.5 is really too cold to be outside for long, so we headed to the big soft play for opening time. I think it was only just above zero in there, but the kids didn't seem to mind.

Uncle James was in demand for football and general clambering about. We stayed until lunchtime then headed home. Carys came home scar free, Will however had a gash on his head (mostly hidden by his hair) but that is one of the perils of playing with the big boys!

After lunch we went swimming. I mostly sat on the edge whilst Carys, Vic Will and James splashed about. There was a reason for this, Will had copied Carys and put on his goggles with no complaints then got into the pool on a woggle and swam off with Vic. In fact he spent the best part of an hour on the woggle playing with James and Vic. Small miracle! W his swim teacher was teaching in a different lane and was very impressed. I was more impressed by the fact he again copied Carys and headed for the shower and didn't want to get out. Another small miracle for the boy who doesn't like getting his hair wet!

Home for tea and bed. This is them watching a little Cbeebies while dinner is cooked. Exhausted, the pair of them, you can tell that as you can just see C's Polly and Bedtime bear, who she sleeps with, but they only come downstairs these days when she is tired.

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