Davince net

By Davince

1 large Deadly Sin with fries

I have plans for a series of shots for the Deadly Sins and Heavenly virtues, so I didn't want to use any of my main 'ideas' for today's challenge.

So... this shot is actually a nod of gratitude to my tutor. He's continually pushed me to go outside my comfort zone to get the shot I want, and improved my photography immeasurably as a result. He put the seeds of thought on this one in my head with regards to another project, and since he mentioned it, I haven't been able to get it out my head - this seemed like the perfect opportunity to play with it!

In other news, I have so much work to do I think I may start experimenting with cloning, though ideally I'll find someone to clone with more skill, talent and a little less of the 'slothful' sin I'm so prone to :p

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