Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


Today's image is inspired by my good ol' friend (yes you, Potter!) who did a series of paintings based on the 7 deadly sins some years ago. Each painting was a close-up of lips. When I saw today's challenge title I couldn't get lips out of my head.

I didn't know which sin to focus on, but by the end of the day I had succumbed to the sickly sweet claws of gluttony, so felt I may as well use blipfoto as a confessional booth and spill the beans on my deadly sin. It's hubby's birthday today. I spent most of last night awake with a fever, and most of the day feeling like my sinuses have been possessed by the spirit of fungus the bogey man while my throat seems to be waging a war against itself. Thankfully, over the last two or three hours, my immune system has begun to take hold. Victory to dusty-bones. Good-bye, lurgi!

That was until the chocolate birthday-cake came out. I KNEW I shouldn't eat any. My stomach has felt like it is at sea for the last 24 hours. I gazed upon the sweet sticky chocolate sauce, the crumbly chocolate flakes gracefully adorning the surface, the thick and creamy, foamy chocolate icing... I heard my stomach protesting - a still, small warning from deep inside - telling me to abstain, to put my slice aside for tomorrow. But there she is, the thorn in my side. I am sweet dusty-bones, and I'm diabetic, addicted to sugar. As my tummy groaned in sad acceptance, my mouth groaned with lustful anticipation. I cut myself a slice, and then another. I felt the gooey confectionary melting blissfully in my mouth. I enjoyed every mouthful, despite knowing that I had muted and stifled the contest from within.

In just a few minutes, I suffered my comeuppance. Sharp stomach cramps, followed by waves of shivery nausea. Now I find myself back in bed - my own foolishness has set me back. I'd like to say 'lesson learned', but sadly I fell into the same snare yesterday when I was presented with an enticing array of pancakes. Well, they say that admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery, so here it is blip world. I am a sugar-holic.

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