Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

Bye bye cool 'drag racer' sound...

Exhaust had a maaaaaaaaaaassive gap in it and so Flo farted every time I put my foot on the gas pedal... haha. Pun intended.

Expensive but now fixed, it was all rusted and flapping about so a brand new one is on now. The guys were very kind letting me take photos and were very reasonable for my student funds! I recommend Aldershot Tyre & Exhaust for their fab prices!

First wedding of 2012 tomorrow, I'm shattered already from editing and organizing, 7 shoots booked this week plus meetings and other work, about 10 shoots in total this month. Christmas season was so quiet... but it's all to save up for private college in September... eek!

Ordered a portable studio support & backdrop, so excited about this!

Gym today, 90kg on the leg press. 5 reps each set with rests in between. (Lost count of how many sets I did...) but woo hoo! That's the highest number so far... aiming for 100kg!

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